
terça-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2017

140a Sessão do Comitê Executivo da OMS - Genebra de 23 de janeiro a 01 de fevereiro

140a Sessão do Comitê Executivo da OMS

O Comitê Executivo, composto por 34 membros tecnicamente qualificado no campo da Saúde, eleitos para um mandato de 3 anos, se reunirão, sob a organização da OMS, em Genebra na Suiça entre os dias 23/01/2017 a 01/02/2017

Agenda abaixo e em anexo

Provisional agenda
1. Opening of the session
2. Adoption of the agenda
Documents EB140/1 and EB140/1 (annotated)
3. Report by the Director-General
Document EB140/2
4. Post of Director-General
4.1 Nomination of candidates
Document EB140/INF./1
4.2 Draft contract
Document EB140/3
4.3 Options for the conduct of the election on the basis of paper-based voting
Document EB140/4
5. Report of the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee of the Executive Board
Document EB140/5
6. Report of the regional committees to the Executive Board
Document EB140/6
7. Preparedness, surveillance and response
7.1 Health emergencies
• WHO response in severe, large-scale emergencies
Document EB140/7, EB140/1
• Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee
Document EB140/8
• Research and development for potentially epidemic diseases
Document EB140/9
• Health workforce coordination in emergencies with health consequences
Document EB140/10
7.2 Antimicrobial resistance
Documents EB140/11 and EB140/12
7.3 Poliomyelitis
Document EB140/13
7.4 Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005)
• Draft global implementation plan
Document EB140/14
• Public health implications of the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol
Document EB140/15
7.5 Review of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework
Document EB140/16
8. Health systems
8.1 Human resources for health and implementation of the outcomes of the United Nations’ High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth
Document EB140/17
8.2 Principles for global consensus on the donation and management of blood, blood components and medical products of human origin
Document EB140/18
8.3 Addressing the global shortage of medicines and vaccines
Document EB140/19, EB140/1
8.4 Evaluation and review of the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property
Document EB140/20
8.5 Follow-up of the report of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination
Documents EB140/21 and EB140/22
8.6 Member State mechanism on substandard/spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit medical products
Document EB140/23
8.7 Promoting the health of migrants
Document EB140/24
9. Communicable diseases
9.1 Global vaccine action plan
Document EB140/25
9.2 Global vector control response
Document EB140/26
10. Noncommunicable diseases
10.1 Preparation for the third High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, to be held in 2018
Documents EB140/27 and EB140/27 Add.1
10.2 Draft global action plan on the public health response to dementia
Document EB140/28
10.3 Public health dimension of the world drug problem
Document EB140/29
10.4 Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity: implementation plan
Document EB140/30, EB140/1
10.5 Cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach
Document EB140/31
11. Promoting health through the life course
11.1 Progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Document EB140/32
11.2 The role of the health sector in the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management towards the 2020 goal and beyond
Document EB140/33
11.3 Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030): adolescents’ health
Document EB140/34
12. Programme and budget matters
12.1 Financing and implementation of the Programme budget 2016–2017: update
Document EB140/35
12.2 Proposed programme budget 2018–2019
Document EB140/36
13. Financial matters
13.1 Scale of assessments for 2018–2019
Document EB140/37
13.2 Amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules [if any]
14. Management and governance matters
14.1 Overview of WHO reform implementation
Document EB140/38
14.2 Governance reform: follow-up to decision WHA69(8) (2016)
Documents EB140/39, EB140/40, EB140/INF./2 and EB140/INF./3
14.3 Engagement with non-State actors
Documents EB140/41 and EB140/42, EB140/1
14.4 Reports of committees of the Executive Board
• Foundations and awards
Document EB140/43
14.5 Independent Expert Oversight Advisory Committee: membership renewal [if any]
14.6 Provisional agenda of the Seventieth World Health Assembly and date and place of the
141st session of the Executive Board
Document EB140/44
15. Staffing matters
15.1 Appointment of the Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean
Document EB140/45
15.2 Statement by the representative of the WHO staff associations
Document EB140/INF./4
15.3 Human resources: update
Document EB140/46
• Criteria and principles for secondments from nongovernmental organizations, philanthropic foundations and academic institutions
Document EB140/47
15.4 Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
Document EB140/48
15.5 Report of the International Civil Service Commission
Document EB140/49
16. Matters for information
16.1 Reports of advisory bodies
• Expert committees and study groups
Documents EB140/50 and EB140/50 Add.1, EB140/1
17. Closure of the session
Note: in line with resolution WHA67.2 (2014), the following items will be considered by the Health Assembly under progress reports.
Communicable diseases
Global technical strategy and targets for malaria 2016–2030 (resolution WHA68.2 (2015))
Global strategy and targets for tuberculosis prevention, care and control after 2015 (resolution WHA67.1 (2014))
Eradication of dracunculiasis (resolution WHA64.16 (2011)) Noncommunicable diseases
Addressing the challenges of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011–2020): outcome of the second Global High-level Conference on Road Safety – Time for Results (resolution WHA69.7 (2016))
WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021: better health for all people with disability (resolution WHA67.7 (2014))
Towards universal eye health: a global action plan 2014–2019 (resolution WHA66.4 (2013))
Health systems
Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anaesthesia as a component of universal health coverage (resolution WHA68.15 (2015))
Regulatory system strengthening for medical products (resolution WHA67.20 (2014))
Progress in the rational use of medicines (resolution WHA60.16 (2007))
Promoting health through the life course
Public health impacts of exposure to mercury and mercury compounds: the role of WHO and ministries of public health in the implementation of the Minamata Convention (resolution WHA67.11 (2014))
Newborn health action plan (resolution WHA67.10 (2014))
Female genital mutilation (resolution WHA61.16 (2008))
Working towards universal coverage of maternal, newborn and child health interventions (resolution WHA58.31 (2005))
Strategy for integrating gender analysis and actions into the work of WHO (resolution WHA60.25 (2007))
Preparedness, surveillance and response Smallpox (resolution WHA60.1 (2007))

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